Κατάσταση Διαγωνισμού

The search results will incorporate only Calls for Tenders (CfTs) which are in the selected status. The possible statuses that a CfT can be at are:
- Tender submission: CfT is published/disseminated and tendering is open to suppliers
- Awaiting Tender Opening: The tender submission deadline is passed and tenders are due to be unlocked
- Under Evaluation: Tenders are unlocked and the designated tender evaluation committee is in the process of evaluating them
- Awarded: The CfT is concluded and contracts are awarded
- Closed: All CfT related activities are completed
- Archived: All CfT related activities are completed and the CfT is archived
- Cancelled: CfT is cancelled

If left to its default value, then this search criterion will be ignored.

Any additional criteria included in the search will be ADDED in order for the system to conclude the matching CfTs to return. For example, if two search criteria are set, then only CfTs matching both criteria will be included in the search results.